Friday, December 19, 2008

Luxury Travel on TV - Bravo gets it!

Okay, so I don't know if anyone but me watched Bravo's "First Class All The Way" due to its tragic time slot (Monday at 7pm, seriously?) but this show was so great!

Sara Ryan Duffy is now my hero and may have supplanted Samantha Brown as overall travel goddess and who I wanna be when I grow up. I have stayed green with envy watching each show.

But the best thing about this show has been the added content on Bravo's website. And I am going to devote a few posts to some great tips Sara and her team shared online that I thought were great and fit the idea of my blog.

So here we go... I can't embed the video but it's worth the click through.

Traveling on a Budget

And here are a few of my "TripTip's":
  • Don't assume you can't get a great deal at a high-end hotel. The NYTimes has had quite a few articles about all the recent bargains in luxury travel. They're losing corporate business fast an furiously.
  • Book with the hotel directly and don't be afraid to ask for a lower rate or to know what special promotions they have. They want your business - they NEED your business.


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